This is the project from Information Retrieval subject. My role in the team was leader and backend developer. I also helped with the design of the search engine and draw the logo and some icons by myself. For the design, we got an inspiration from
This is the project from the Enterprise Resource Planning subject. I used Signavio to design and draw the process flow of the system. We did a lot of research on this project to be able to understand how the field of this system works. Moreover, we got to know how to use Odoo to build the system. We also had the opportunity to play the role of a tech start-up company and pitch our idea to the BERYL8 judges.
Street Tech Wear is the website for sale street tech wear clothing style. This is the first project and first time I use HTML, CSS, React and Javascript to build a website. My role in team of 4 people was backend developer. I designed the database, built the backend of the website and deploy it.